Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sink or swim

I'm not entirely sure how many other people have noticed this, but I think I ought to draw some attention to it anyhow... How many of you have seen this sign?

Now, I'm probably the only one on the planet that has ever given this a second thought... but why do employees have to be reminded to wash their hands? Are these employees incapable of remembering one of the most simple rules of hygenie? Seriously, have you ever stopped to ponder? Reading it again, I'm not sure I wanna be here if people are going to FORGET to wash their hands and shit.  Does it have to specify, "before returning to work"? Hell, I'd make a sign to remind EVERYONE to wash their hands before they do anything! Also, not that I'm anal about cleanliness, but I've been noticing in the women's public restrooms across town, that most women don't really... wash their hands. Sure, they run their hands under the water, slap some soap on, but they don't... wash. I try to make a habit of washing my hands with plenty of soap and lather for at least 20 seconds. I don't just rub my palms together either, I'm washing the hell out of the spaces in between my fingers. If you don't wash your hands properly, I'm not saying that you're a horrible person, but you better get your shit together. You're probably the reason Swine Flu happened. Just saying.

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