Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The First Time

An old story that I wrote a while back... Tell me what you think, maybe?


For a moment, I wasn't alone in the break room, staring at the Coke machine... I was right there with you, in your room, surrounded by posters of comic book heroes. It was dimly lit... I could barely make out the faint smile on your face as I pulled my shirt over my head.

A clanking sound made me jump, and I realized that my soda had been dispensed. If you must ask, yes, I did think about you at the most mundane times... While I was waiting for coffee, sending an email, watching my dinner be microwaved, during commercials, when I was drying my hair...

It had been so long that I didn't know if I even missed you anymore. All I knew for sure was that I still hated couples with a vengeance. At the mall, when I go to people watch, there will be two teenagers, madly in love. They'll begin to kiss at the fountain in the food court, which sends me and my strawberry-banana smoothie over to the bookstore. Do they remind me of us? I'm not so sure myself.

I took my drink with me over to the communal break room table. The air was cold and it freezed my toes. I began to regret buying the Coke. I sat there the whole thirty minutes, never opening the can. I decided to leave it there, in case someone else wanted it...

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