Wednesday, July 21, 2010


 Short story I wrote some time ago.

The only thing that breaks the silence is the shuffling of the pages she turns. I'm sitting across from her in the Library as she leafs through her Physics book. I cross and uncross my ankles underneath the table. It's almost been a week since the party. I wonder if she remembers anything from the evening.

I blink as she looks up at me, noticing my gaze. I had been staring. She smiles and half-scowls, then returns to her studying. God, she is absolutely stunning. Green eyes, soft dirty blonde hair... petite and kind. I've never had a bigger crush on anyone.

That night at the house party, I was calmly sitting on the porch, nursing a bottle of water. The night air was heavy with humidity. "Hey you," She breathed into my ear from behind me. I had nearly had a heart attack. I noticed she was slurring her words when she had asked if it was cool if she sat with me. I smiled warmly and nodded.

She clears her throat and my heart stops for a moment. She holds her head in her hand and sighs as she re-reads a paragraph. My tongue tingles with questions I want so desperately to ask... but I'm afraid. What if she shot me down? Denied it all and stormed out?

I frown slightly and glance at her hands... Her slender, elegant, feminine hands. I can nearly feel them running over my—

"Is there a formula chart in this thing?" She half-whispered to me.

I widen my eyes, shake my head feverishly and start to blush as I scribble nonsense into my notebook, pretending to be busy. Still, my thoughts stray back to the way she grinned at me and told me I was pretty. She leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. It was only for a second (and she passed out afterward) but it was like time had froze. I look at her now, focusing on her reading, struggling to cram as much information into her head. The morning after the party she acted normal... besides dashing into the restroom to retch. I sigh, and realize that I am terribly and hoplessly in love with my roommate.

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