Monday, September 28, 2009

A Journey Begins

Yes, I am posting AGAIN today. I simply couldn't go without jotting this down and sharing it with you all. When I say you all, I mean the 2-5 of you that read my blog. By the way, thank you for reading. :) Feel free to comment.

Anyhow, I just had dinner (breakfast actually... so is that Brinner?) with my parents and I came up with the greatest idea. I should finally set up an Etsy shop. I'm thrilled about it actually. Very, very thrilled. I've wanted to have a store for a long time, but of course haven't exactly had the kind of financial backing to do so. This is perfect. There is no rent to pay, no bills to pay. I've been in a very crafty mood lately and am simply ADDICTED to Cut Out and Keep. I think it'd be fairly easy for me to churn out homemade trinkets, since it's essentially my hobby to do so already. The only part that scares me is... the SHIPPING! How much do I charge? How do I ship? Aaaaah!

Your input is greatly appreciated. I'm off to make an Etsy account.

Thanks, cupcakes


I'll Try To Love Again

I like to stay positive most of the time. I've spent too much of my life being sad. It's one of the things I realized this summer. Sadness... is silly. I have no real use for it. Life is about being happy. At least, that's how I see it.

Despite all of this, I've been stricken with a dose of what one would call, depression. It's not too severe, just... very annoying. A situation has come up that has urged me to reassess the way I deal with problems that directly affect me. I was hurt recently. I won't say by whom, but... someone who is very near and dear to my heart. They pulled me into a problem, which wasn't really mine to begin with and although I was fine with it, what really upset me is the way I was treated upon our first meeting after the "incident". I was invisible. I was nothing. After everything we'd been through, I seemed to be that disposable. Sitting there, I racked my brain, trying to think of what I had possibly done wrong. I felt terrible.

He has apologized, though... I didn't think the apology was very genuine. It seems like the apology was forced and twisted out of "obligation". Now, the dilemma lies... Am I ridiculous to still be upset? Am I being too dramatic about this? All I know is that my heart was truly broken. And when your heart is broken by a friend, that is when it cuts the deepest.

I do not forgive very easily and at this moment, I am holding two very big grudges. Should I just let my guard down and forgive? Or stick to my guns and stay this way, with one less friend? In my mind, it'd be easier to pretend I no longer cared. But is that necessarily the best thing to do? I still care about my friend, but if I'm so easily thrown away... is it a relationship worth salvaging?

Until later, cupcakes...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Love

I miss writing so very much. I haven't been able to write anything of worth in a very long time. I usually don't complain about this, but today the weather reminded me that this time of the season is when I wrote the most. This was the time of year that I was most inspired. There is something so nostalgic about a chilly breeze and freezing fingertips.

Writing defined me. I was a writer. I wrote. That's what I did, that's what I was, that's what I always was going to do forever and ever and get paid for my passion. But things haven't panned out like that at all. I've lost my muse somewhere along the way. I've had writer's block before, but nothing nearly this severe. This is very different.

I tend to hide it... but I am devastated about not being able to write. It really pains me. Writing was my love. I was so good at it and it came so easily. Writing helped me deal with my problems and issues. It was there for me to pour my heart and soul into and I did, time and time again.

I don't know how to get it back... and it makes me really sad.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

A sleepy blog update

Hello, all! So sorry that I haven't updated, though I doubt that anyone
actually reads this. I am doing really well albeit tired. I've been at
an anime convention! I'll try to update with pictures soon. That's all
for now. I'll leave you with a picture of a cupcake, cupcakes.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy

It's update time! Still no pictures, sorry. :(

Well, I had lined out several things to rant about, but I will save that for another day when I'm feeling more eloquent. Today, my only grievances will be that very few of my friends actively blog. I wish more did. Anywho, aside from that today's post will be a list I compiled a few days ago. It's a list of things that make me happy, in more-or-less of order from greatest to least, but essentially, all of the things listed will make me glow. I will now share it with all of you:

  • My Special Someone
  • Cute, random texts messages from said Special Someone
  • Cupcakes
  • Baking
  • Being properly groomed
  • Having my hair nicely done
  • Smiling
  • Being nice to people
  • Finding something I lost
  • Watching the Sex and the City movie (watched it 5 times this summer)
  • Soda in glass bottles
  • Being organized
  • Buying/reading a new issue of Nylon (C)
  • Having enough sleep
  • Having really clean teeth
  • Thoughtful gifts, especially when it's not warranted
  • Sweet dreams
  • Breakfast
  • Coffee Good coffee
  • Good music
  • Having my nails done
  • Genuine compliments
  • Rain
  • Cute kittens
  • Having on an outfit that I like
  • Good pizza
  • Lava Crunch Cakes from Dominos TM
Well, that's my list of things that make me happy. I encourage you do make one too, and try to do/see one of the things on your list and make your day happier. :)
