Sunday, January 24, 2010

I dream of fashion, apparently

So, I had this really random dream last night that was oddly about fashion. Now, I'm no fashionista. Yes, I enjoy some aspects of fashion but I'm not a guru or anything. I will say that if I was thinner and had more money my style would be a lot more put together. Anyway, about my dream...

I was at my old high school, but it was so much more modern looking and really clean. I was there for some kind of fashion designing/styling program. The program was being sponsered by two models. One named Wilhelmina (weird, right?) and the other was like... Gallileia or something like that. So, we had orientation which was a lavish fashion show. The two models told us that the designs we were seeing were things that are in fashion and they expected us to somehow incorporate the trends into our designs. Anyway, the fashion show was in some kind of arena and I was seated far away, but some ghetto-sounding girls were in front and were making loud comments such as, "Oooh, dats cute!" every other outfit.

At the end of the fashion show we went into what looked like my high school's cafeteria, only bigger and a lot nicer. The room was split into two because you had to pick if you were going to be on Willhelmina's team or on Gallileia's team. I picked Wilhelmina. I immediately got out a notebook to start working and somehow I'd made friends with some older-looking woman there who had bright blue and yellow eyeshadow and dyed blonde hair. I remember being happy for having the opportunity to be in the program and it was somehow going to make it easier to see my boyfriend.

It was just weird. I'm not that great at drawing so I could never be a fashion designer. Stylist, maybe, but not a designer. What brought me to have this detailed dream has me stumped. You have any ideas?

Later, cupcakes

-Pepper Fishnetz

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