Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm still breathing

So, I've neglected blogging long enough. Here is another post about my dull existence.

I got a new bike. It's a cruiser-mountain bike hybrid. It's awesome. It's the best bike ever.

I went to a 7 year-old's birthday party. It was pink and candy themed. It was awesome. It was the best birthday party ever.

I participated in a clothes swap event. I got a cute brown dress/tunic. It was awesome. It was the best clothes swap ever.

I'm washing my bed linens right now. We're almost out of detergent. It's awesome. It's the best washing of my linens ever.

Okay, okay... I'll quit with that. But yeah, that's really about all that's going on here. I ordered a new iPhone charging cable because my piece of shit one that came with the phone has basically killed itself half-to-death (oxymoron, ftw). I also ordered a pair of glasses because they were cheap and it's being shipped for free. Yay me.

Oh, guess who passed their online driver's course? THIS CHICK RIGHT FUCKING HERE. That's right. In a few days I'm gonna go to the DMV and rock the hell out of that driving exam. I don't have to take the "written" one THANK GOD. I also take a new picture so I won't have to put up with my state ID picture anymore. I swear I look like some cracked out prostitute with a $2 weave. I look haggard in that picture, so good friggin' riddance.

Let's see, what else have I been up to? Ah, well the other day I took some of my old clothes to sell at Buffalo Exchange. A really nice gay guy went through my stuff to see what he'd buy from me. I can't remember how many things he took but I made 15 bucks. Psshyeah, bitches. Anyway, he was rather funny and reminded me how much I want a gay BFF. I need a Jack to my Karen. You like that Will & Grace reference? No? Well.... I DID.

Since I was partying it up on Saturday I missed SNL's season premier, but I watched it on Hulu last night. Let me just say how sad it is that SNL is only funny when they bring back old cast members. I'm not complaining, but it's just.... sad. Here's hoping that the new kids they have this season will be funnier than the last batch they signed on.

I think I'm done complaining for now. Ha. Enjoy the rest of your day/week/month. Hope you're well, whoever you are that's reading this nonsense.

~C.M xx

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