Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You popped my heart seams on my bubble dreams

It really seems as if every time I start to feel better, it all just tumbles down again. To be honest, the fall this time doesn't seem so hard. I guess my recovery period is starting to shorten... or maybe it's the combination of Nutella and ibuprofen that's created a safety net for my sinking demeanor.

I put away some of the things he's given me into a hat box and stashed it in my closet. I have left some things out... but the ones that hurt the most went into the box. It's just that... I'll sit and think... I'll reminisce.. and if I think too hard about it then my eyes start to sting with tears. Then I have to just stuff all of my feelings away. I have to bury them in me or else I just fall apart.

Aside from all that... I did try to have a good time today. I met up with an old friend from high school. She and I talked a lot. I didn't realize how much I had to say. I felt like I was talking for ages. I do want to thank her for distracting me for awhile and for offering to pay for my lunch. I didn't let her. She's so nice. A super huge thank you goes out to her this week.

Now back to the Nutella... I've been wanting to taste it for a while and I finally picked up a sample pack at World Market. Wow... it is really good. I'd be more enthusiastic about how great this stuff tastes but being depressed and all. I'd love to make a cake with it. It's a chocolate-hazlenut spread and I think I could eat it for days and still not get tired of it. Oh, also, World Market is one of my new favorite stores. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

I guess that's all for this post. Good luck to Moises who has applied to a job he really wants and hi to Ron because he actually reads this crap.



  1. Thanks for the luck. Ron says hi in return.

  2. No problem, Moi. I did what the fuck though as Blogger didn't notify me via email of any comments. >:(
