Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DIY: T-shirt Beach Bag

 HEY! So it's time for a DIY. Are you ready? WELL TOO BAD. I found a quick tutorial which seemed easy enough and wanted to see how royally I would screw it up. But honestly, it's quick, it's easy and has awesome results. And it's from PINTEREST. What? I KNOW.

You take a t-shirt you no longer wear but is super cute. This is a tee I purchased from Tee Fury a couple of years ago. It's a Portal reference and while I love the shirt, it's just a tad too long and hugs me in the wrong places, yuck.

The directions say to snip off the sleeves, cutting off the hems, and the neckline and the hem at the bottom.

Pfffft. Cutting along the bottom didn't turn out so pristine but y'know I think I'll live.

Then, snip strips up from the bottom. Directions advise to use a ruler but crafting is about taking RISKS, MAN.

Then pull them taut so they get all stringy.

Directions say to use a box knot? Uh, okay. Well in AMERICA we tie stuff the REGULAR way. 

I put some heavy books in the bag to stretch it out.

And there you go. Perfect beach bag in about 20 minutes. I ended up modifying the straps and cutting a bit more of the neckline because yes. 

Until next time, 

stay excellent.

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