So this is just a silly post. Don't know if you're aware, but Blogger is AWESOME and provides blog stats that I can use to track how people find my blog. Sometimes I find funny stuff, like this that I'm going to share with you.
Click to enlarge. Giggity. |
Blogger is linked to Google, so whenever some one searches for certain things and click on a link to my blog I get to see what keywords they used. One person searched for "everything that annoys me in one big picture". Ahahaha, I'm not really sure what they were expecting to find... Is that a song lyric or something? Most times I get blog-clicks through Google Images which means, most people aren't reading my blog, they're just looking for a picture.
I do want to thank my friends
Yaneth and
Laquilla for +1-ing my Mug Cake post. Glad you enjoyed it. :D Okay, I'm out.
Stay excellent.
~C.M. xx
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