In internet years I've been blogging for quite some time. My first blog was at 14, on Xanga. If you want the link you can FORGET ABOUT IT. Teen angst is best relived
never. Then, when that started to go on the out and out I picked up blogging on MySpace. Apparently, unbeknownst to me
people actually read my stupid ramblings. Once I even got into a debate with a girl from school in the comments section over whether or not porn empowers or objectifies women to the point where said girl deleted me as a friend and effectively blocked me on Facebook. Powerful stuff, man.
So through my journey of blogging I've discovered the world of what I like to call THE BLOGGER ELITE. People who turned their blogging into jobs or used their blogs to further their small business. I guess all along that's the life I wish for. I want income and adoring fans just by writing, by being myself in word form. ANYWAY, I'm getting all long-winded and look-off-into-the-distance-and-be-deep-y. Among the many bloggers I admire (
Keiko Lynn,
The Pioneer Woman, on occasion
Gala Darling) TWO of them, probably- no, definitely- my favorites have mentioned me on Twitter.
One is the
Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo. I'm not really sure how I initially heard about her, but as she's 1. crafty and 2. Mexican and proud, finding her was inevitable. If you're into crafts at all, glitter or books about crafty latinas then you should definitely check her out. Now, what transpired a few days ago is this: THE Crafty Chica liked a couple pictures I posted on Instagram. Honestly it could have been a total mistake but damn it I was going to relish it! So I mentioned what happened on Twitter. Then... Kathy replied to me... and said that she loves my blog. YES. THIS BLOG. I KNOW, RIGHT? ZOMGWTFBBQ? LOOK, EVIDENCE!
She also said that I'm AMAZING! I totally spazzed out when I saw this. Kathy, if you're reading this, just know that you totally made my week/month! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
And if that wasn't enough, the other day I decided to catch up on Bakerella's blog since it'd be awhile since I read it and I came across her
2011's wrap up post. (If you don't know
Bakerella, she's JUST the creator of cake pops. Yeah, CAKE POPS. She also makes a bunch of other cute confectioneries, so she is a MUST read.) In the post it she described her struggle with a condition that forced her to get hemo-dialysis which is dialysis for your blood, as in, your blood is sucked out, cleaned, and then returned to your body. Terri-fying. Luckily her mother was a match and she was able to get a kidney transplant from her, saving her life and keeping her off hemo-dialysis. When she talked about how thankful she was for everything and everyone who helped her through it I couldn't help but think about how my mom had to endure chemotherapy a few years ago. Going to the cancer treatment center everyday was always a little sad, seeing people so sick and weak. I've never really liked the idea of organ donation, but after reading Bakerella's post, I was moved... and yes, got teary. I think that organ donation is something that I really want to do. I mentioned it on twitter and got a reply from Bakerella.

*hugs Bakerella back* She's the one of the cutest women on the web. Please check her out, you won't regret it. :D
~C.M. xx