Decided on mostly a whim to look up some Ramona Flowers cosplay and found a cute picture so I thought I'd share them here. I'll try to give credit where credit is due.
I like this one a lot. For one, she's smiling and it's simple. I think it would be even cuter with fishnets but uh, I might be biased on that one.
A little tiny bit NSFW but still pretty cute. The shorts and bra are still pretty Ramona-y. But I saved the best find for last!
Not sure if she managed to get a picture of the completed outfit but upon stumbling onto this adorable-ass girl on Flickr I found links to her blog which is equally if NOT MORE CUTE. She blogged about this costume here. I'm so jealous of all her skills and love her style. Already hooked on her blog even though it puts mine to SHAME-Y SHAME SHAME. *adds to favorites* Anywho, just a couple of other cute Ramona things...
Isn't it cute?! I fucking love it! Too bad it's only in JUNIOR sizes though... which are not plus-size friendly but oh well. If you want to buy this shirt and rub it in my face you can do so here.
This picture also lead me to a new favorite obsession (Crafty Crafty Blogazine). It's so perfect and awesome! This bag is actually for sale on Etsy and I want it so bad but not a-hundred-and-thirty-dollars-bad. Yep, that's how much this fantasmagasmic purse will run you since it's handmade and comes straight from Brazil. There's other colors too which makes it so much harder to say no (or so much easier to say to DIY?)
ENOUGH PICTURES. Okay, I must retire to my bed since I've been exhausted for about two weeks. Don't worry, I'll be bitchi- I mean, blogging about that soon. Until then, stay excellent, bros.
-C.M. xx
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