Friday, October 8, 2010

I was June and you were my Johnny Cash

Before I get started I would just like to say to all the things and people that have been stressing me out lately: FUCK. YOU. Jesus Christ... Just had to get that out there.

As for stress, I have tons of it. Most of it started Wednesday evening when we learned that my grandmother had broken her hip and was sent to the hospital to await surgery. Yes, this is the same grandmother who had a mini-stroke about a week or so ago. :/ To be honest, I was surprised that my grandma had broken her hip. Most of you might think that's fairly normal for an 80+ year-old woman... but my grandmother is like no other. She's STRONG. She's fallen countless times over the years and never never broken anything. At least, not that I can remember. Either way, this news made my mother very upset. There was crying, per usual. You'll be happy to know that my grandma made it out of surgery "like a champ." See, ma? Everything turned out just fine.

Another stress-inducing thing in my life is my journalism class. A lot of times I forget that I don't need that damned class to graduate, but I still end up taking it seriously... Almost more seriously than I have any other friggin' class. It's ridiculous, but I digress. This week we're allowed to come up with our own topics for stories, and with all the sleep deprivation, and traveling to and fro looking for a fucking used car for days all my neurons are on strike. Honestly, I've been in the crabbiest mood today. So, you can imagine why selecting a relevant topic has been a bit of a challenge for me. Luckily I've come up with a couple. Sent them off to the professor now I just wait for the damn green light so I can procrastinate and do my story last minute.

Some good news, though... I passed my fucking road test because I'm a FUCKING CAREFUL DRIVER. Pssshyeah. I have a paper license at the moment and my picture is GOD-AWFUL. I look like a drunk man with a really pretty wig on wrong. >.< I'd rather look like a raggedy prostitute, like on my state ID.

Two awesome things: Mangoes and The Social Network. If you have a chance, pick up a mango and eat it while watching The Social Network. It ought to be rather epic. Possibly. Maybe. Anyway, yes... I did like that movie. I had rather high expectations for it and I was not let down, like I half-expected to. Justin Timberlake can go to hell though. Just saying.

Alright, enough ranting for now. I'm getting the fuck out now. Bai.


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