Hi, all! I'm working on the second installment of my blog on my identity. I'll try to have it up next week but I'm rather busy! School's getting hectic once again, I'm preparing for finals and my remaining papers and projects. I'm very excited about next semester though. I'm taking ZUMBA, ONLINE BIO, HISTORY, SPEECH, FRENCH! Yes, I'm very pumped. :D Wheee!
Also, today in my Mexican-American Studies class, we were talking about illegal Mexican immigrants coming into the United States. Our final paper is over the subject and it's a subject I think I'll do well in writing about. It's an issue I see on a day-to-day basis. Hell, a lot of my friends and family have LIVED it. So, in other words I'm also excited about writing this paper. Fail?
Oh goodness I'm so tired! I haven't been able to sleep well.. Anyone have any tips for me to fall asleep faster/more soundly?
Also, you might notice that my blog looks different and I go by a "different" name now. I didn't want to commit to a new alias as much as I liked MelonXXXCupcake. But... I'm Pepper Fishnetz. That's not my legal name, of course but it's a nickname that a lot of people know me by and I really love it. I was christened with this name about five years ago. I used to have a t-shirt that said "I'm a Pepper" referring to the drink, Dr. Pepper, so my friend started calling me Pepper. I also used to wear fishnets all the time. And when I mean all the time, I think I wore them 3/5 school days. I loved fishnets! I still do, but I haven't worn any in ages because they tear so easy and I don't have enough money to buy a new pair every week. Anyway, my friend noticed this and said, "I should call you Fishnets instead." Then I said, "That should be my last name.. I should be Pepper Fishnets... No, Fishnets with a Z!" And that is how I became Pepper. What's funny is that a lot of people refer to me as Pepper. Even my boyfriend has done it! XD Anyway... I switched my Twitter feed (over on the right of the home page of this blog) to my Pepper Fishnetz account. :)
My to-do list is ridiculous! I need to gather all the Black Friday ads I need and pick out what I'm buying for who (no running around like a chicken with my head cut off this year!) and what I'm making for everyone. I need to get this done like... tomorrow. I won't have time on any other day. Friday, I'm going to see New Moon, hopefully. Saturday I might be going out with my boyfriend and attending an event where Etsy sellers will be.. selling. XD Sunday I might be doing a podcast. And next week I'll be getting ready for spending Thanksgiving with my family that's out of town. I'm sooooo excited for that too! Our family has grown a lot in the last year and the thought of being in a house with tens of cool, friendly, loving friends and family is very warming to a girl who grew up as an only child.
Speaking of podcast... My friend Dalila and I are starting one! Our show is called Less Than Three because it's this "<3", a heart and since it's just two of us, we're less than three! Get it? Cute, right? You can find us on our Podbean Blog, LessThanThree.podbean.com or download/subscribe to us via iTunes here. I'm really excited about this too. I'm just high on life right now! Anyway, our podcast is just us ranting about things we like or don't like, usually in a comedic fashion. We only have one done and we'll do our first official episode this weekend so look out for it!
Alright, I think we're all caught up. Have a lovely rest of the week, cupcakes.
-Pepper Fishnetz!