Thursday, March 1, 2012

Easy felt coffee cozy

It's the first of the month and for some reason I like to post on the first of the month. I meant to blog about this earlier, actually. My mom has been OBSESSED (ob-freaking-sessed) with crocheting. She's been asking me what kind of things I want her to make and I told her I wanted a coffee cozy. She's not quite done yet, but when she is I'll show you all. While she's been working on it I decided to make one out of felt because it's probably my favorite material and I suck at crocheting.

This ceramic coffee cup is a gift from Dalila.

Ka-pow! This is what I came up with. Not really sure why i decided to throw a lighting bolt on it but I wanted some yellow on it. It was really easy, I just folded over a sheet of felt to the desired width. I don't really believe in measuring, haha.

Then cut at the top and where you folded so you have two separate pieces.

Next, just sew them together with a straight-stitch. You could use a machine if you want to, but I don't have one so mine it's hand-sewn. A whip-stitch would also be really cute.

Then I cut out the lightning bolt shape and sewed it on with a straight stitch. You could also just iron on a cute applique. They have tons at Walmart. I initially cut a slit on either end of the cozy so I could tie it together but my mom added eyelets that make it less likely for the felt to tear from constant use.

It also makes a cute Chihuahua capelet. I think they're in season.

In my free time I'll probably be making more as gifts. :D STAY EXCELLENT.

~C.M. xx