So, a personal blog for today. I know, I know. I keep promising to post a how-to or something of the like but as usual, life gets in the way. I will however introduce you to a couple of my new favorite beauty products that I love in the next few days. It's part of me trying to grow up. I'm actually trying out makeup and I'm taking my purse with me nearly everywhere I go. I'm a woman! Just don't look inside my bag because then you'll see my pink Nintendo DSi with Cooking Mama inside...
Anywho, I've started school up again. I'm really excited about this semester. I'm trying to take it a lot more seriously than I have... ever. I really want to do well. I had gotten so caught up in the environment that I had just gotten sick of it. I really like my classes so far. I just want to be healthier, smarter and happier. 2009 sucked, but I'm determined to make 2010 my best year ever.
On another note, I'm still very much a doormat. Today, in History, a guy asked me to move down a seat because he wanted to sit with his two other buddies. Um, what? Of course, I said yes and moved down. And yes, the rest of the semester I will try to avoid that row so that I won't have to be bullied every other day. I just thought it was a douchebag move. Want to sit with your friends? Get there early and get seats together, you pansies. But seriously, it's a CLASS. You don't HAVE to sit with your friends. I remember when I had a friend in my Sociology class. Usually, he and I would sit next to each other, but when we couldn't we NEVER made anyone try to accommodate us. It's rude. Right?
Another thing, my new French professor is... odd to say the least. Today we were talking about currency and the Euro and she was talking about how most had speculated that the Euro would not be readily accepted. She used US/Canada/Mexico as an example. She contended that we (the US) would not be happy if all of North America had the same currency. I frankly wouldn't because then I couldn't get 13 pesos for my dollar whenever I went to Mexico, which is something I kind of like as sad as it is, but the downfall of precious Mexico's economy is another topic I may cover in passionate fashion on another occasion. Anyway, then she said, "Well, if you encountered a Canadian dollar bill you'd be disgusted because it's not worth anything here,". Er, I'm sorry? I'd be pretty stoked to have a Canadian dollar bill. I've never seen one, nor do I know anyone who has one. Pesos? Yeah, sure. But a Canadian dollar? Never. Then she also contended that we all hold some kind of national pride in the US dollar. I couldn't have imagined anything so vapid... so materialistic. The US dollar doesn't govern me. It wouldn't be anything but a piece of cotton-y paper if the federal reserve didn't say it had some kind of value. National pride in one's currency? I've never heard of such a thing. Why not have pride in something else? The nature, the wildlife, the amazing citizens, the art. Anything but the currency!
Hmmmm.... seems I was on my soapbox for a bit longer than expected. I had also planned on telling you about the small bit of research I've been doing on sexual education advocacy groups. I'm considering joining a group, and once I have more time, possibly trying to get some things done in my city. The amount of teenage pregnancies is alarming. Something ought to be done, don't you think?
Oh, and also, I have one of those Formspring thingies! You can ask me random and anonymous questions
I suppose that's all for now, cupcakes. Please visit my and Lila's podcast site
Less Than Three and PLEASE visit my Etsy shop,
Melon Cupcake.
-Pepper Fishnetz